Source code for oaebu_workflows.jstor_telescope.jstor_telescope

# Copyright 2020-2023 Curtin University
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Aniek Roelofs, Keegan Smith

from __future__ import annotations

import base64
import csv
import logging
import os
import shutil
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List, Union, Tuple, Literal, Optional, Any
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import pendulum
import requests
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer
from import TimePartitioningType, SourceFormat, WriteDisposition
from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials
from googleapiclient.discovery import Resource, build
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential, wait_fixed

from oaebu_workflows.oaebu_partners import OaebuPartner, partner_from_str
from observatory.api.client.model.dataset_release import DatasetRelease
from observatory.platform.api import make_observatory_api
from observatory.platform.airflow import AirflowConns
from observatory.platform.files import save_jsonl_gz
from observatory.platform.utils.url_utils import get_user_agent, retry_get_url
from observatory.platform.gcs import gcs_upload_files, gcs_blob_uri, gcs_blob_name_from_path
from observatory.platform.bigquery import bq_load_table, bq_table_id, bq_create_dataset
from observatory.platform.observatory_config import CloudWorkspace
from observatory.platform.files import add_partition_date, convert
from observatory.platform.workflows.workflow import (

[docs]class JstorRelease(PartitionRelease): def __init__( self, dag_id: str, run_id: str, data_interval_start: pendulum.DateTime, data_interval_end: pendulum.DateTime, partition_date: pendulum.DateTime, reports: List[dict], ): """Construct a JstorRelease. :param dag_id: The ID of the DAG :param run_id: The Airflow run ID :param data_interval_start: The beginning of the data interval :param data_interval_end: The end of the data interval :param partition_date: the partition date, corresponds to the last day of the month being processed. :param reports: list with report_type (country or institution) and url of reports """ super().__init__( dag_id=dag_id, run_id=run_id, partition_date=partition_date, ) self.reports = reports self.data_interval_start = data_interval_start self.data_interval_end = data_interval_end self.download_country_path = os.path.join(self.download_folder, "country.tsv") self.download_institution_path = os.path.join(self.download_folder, "institution.tsv") self.transform_country_path = os.path.join(self.transform_folder, "country.jsonl.gz") self.transform_institution_path = os.path.join(self.transform_folder, "institution.jsonl.gz")
[docs]class JstorTelescope(Workflow): """The JSTOR telescope."""
[docs] REPORTS_INFO = "reports"
[docs] PROCESSED_LABEL_NAME = "processed_report"
# download settings
[docs] MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3
[docs] FIXED_WAIT = 20 # seconds
[docs] MAX_WAIT_TIME = 60 * 10 # seconds
[docs] EXP_BASE = 3
[docs] MULTIPLIER = 10
[docs] WAIT_FN = wait_fixed(FIXED_WAIT) + wait_exponential(multiplier=MULTIPLIER, exp_base=EXP_BASE, max=MAX_WAIT_TIME)
def __init__( self, dag_id: str, cloud_workspace: CloudWorkspace, entity_id: str, entity_type: Literal["publisher", "collection"] = "publisher", country_partner: Union[str, OaebuPartner] = "jstor_country", institution_partner: Union[str, OaebuPartner] = "jstor_institution", bq_dataset_description: str = "Data from JSTOR sources", bq_country_table_description: Optional[str] = None, bq_institution_table_description: Optional[str] = None, api_dataset_id: str = "jstor", gmail_api_conn_id: str = "gmail_api", observatory_api_conn_id: str = AirflowConns.OBSERVATORY_API, catchup: bool = False, max_active_runs: int = 1, schedule: str = "0 0 4 * *", # 4th day of every month start_date: pendulum.DateTime = pendulum.datetime(2016, 10, 1), ): """Construct a JstorTelescope instance. :param dag_id: The ID of the DAG :param cloud_workspace: The CloudWorkspace object for this DAG :param entity_id: The ID of the publisher for this DAG :param entity_type: Whether this entity should be treated as a publisher or a collection :param country_partner: The name of the country partner :param institution_partner: The name of the institution partner :param bq_dataset_description: Description for the BigQuery dataset :param bq_country_table_description: Description for the BigQuery JSTOR country table :param bq_institution_table_description: Description for the BigQuery JSTOR institution table :param api_dataset_id: The ID to store the dataset release in the API :param gmail_api_conn_id: Airflow connection ID for the Gmail API :param observatory_api_conn_id: Airflow connection ID for the overvatory API :param catchup: Whether to catchup the DAG or not :param max_active_runs: The maximum number of DAG runs that can be run concurrently :param schedule: The schedule interval of the DAG :param start_date: The start date of the DAG """ super().__init__( dag_id, start_date, schedule, catchup=catchup, airflow_conns=[gmail_api_conn_id, observatory_api_conn_id], max_active_runs=max_active_runs, tags=["oaebu"], ) self.dag_id = dag_id self.cloud_workspace = cloud_workspace self.entity_id = entity_id self.entity_type = entity_type self.country_partner = partner_from_str(country_partner) self.institution_partner = partner_from_str(institution_partner) self.bq_dataset_description = bq_dataset_description self.bq_country_table_description = bq_country_table_description self.bq_institution_table_description = bq_institution_table_description self.api_dataset_id = api_dataset_id self.gmail_api_conn_id = gmail_api_conn_id self.observatory_api_conn_id = observatory_api_conn_id check_workflow_inputs(self) self.add_setup_task(self.check_dependencies) self.add_setup_task(self.list_reports) self.add_setup_task(self.download_reports) self.add_task(self.upload_downloaded) self.add_task(self.transform) self.add_task(self.upload_transformed) self.add_task(self.bq_load) self.add_task(self.add_new_dataset_releases) self.add_task(self.cleanup)
[docs] def make_release(self, **kwargs) -> List[JstorRelease]: """Make release instances. The release is passed as an argument to the function (TelescopeFunction) that is called in 'task_callable'. :param kwargs: the context passed from the PythonOperator. See for the keyword arguments that can be passed :return: A list of grid release instances """ ti: TaskInstance = kwargs["ti"] available_releases = ti.xcom_pull( key=JstorTelescope.RELEASE_INFO, task_ids=self.download_reports.__name__, include_prior_dates=False ) releases = [] for release_date in available_releases: reports = available_releases[release_date] partition_date = pendulum.parse(release_date) data_interval_start = partition_date.start_of("month") data_interval_end = partition_date.add(days=1).start_of("month") releases.append( JstorRelease( dag_id=self.dag_id, run_id=kwargs["run_id"], partition_date=partition_date, data_interval_start=data_interval_start, data_interval_end=data_interval_end, reports=reports, ) ) return releases
[docs] def list_reports(self, **kwargs) -> bool: """Lists all Jstor releases for a given month and publishes their report_type, download_url and release_date's as an XCom. :return: Whether to continue the DAG """ api = make_jstor_api(self.entity_type, self.entity_id) available_reports = api.list_reports() continue_dag = len(available_reports) > 0 if continue_dag: # Push messages ti: TaskInstance = kwargs["ti"] ti.xcom_push(JstorTelescope.REPORTS_INFO, available_reports) return continue_dag
[docs] def download_reports(self, **kwargs) -> bool: """Download the JSTOR reports based on the list with available reports. The release date for each report is only known after downloading the report. Therefore they are first downloaded to a temporary location, afterwards the release info can be pushed as an xcom and the report is moved to the correct location. :return: Whether to continue the DAG (always True) """ ti: TaskInstance = kwargs["ti"] available_reports = ti.xcom_pull( key=JstorTelescope.REPORTS_INFO, task_ids=self.list_reports.__name__, include_prior_dates=False ) available_releases = {} api = make_jstor_api(self.entity_type, self.entity_id) for report in available_reports: # Download report to temporary file tmp_download_path = NamedTemporaryFile().name api.download_report(report, download_path=tmp_download_path) start_date, end_date = api.get_release_date(tmp_download_path) # Create temporary release and move report to correct path release = JstorRelease( dag_id=self.dag_id, run_id=kwargs["run_id"], data_interval_start=start_date, data_interval_end=end_date.add(days=1).start_of("month"), partition_date=end_date, reports=[report], ) download_path = ( release.download_country_path if report["type"] == "country" else release.download_institution_path ) shutil.move(tmp_download_path, download_path) # Add reports to list with available releases release_date = release.partition_date.format("YYYYMMDD") try: available_releases[release_date].append(report) except KeyError: available_releases[release_date] = [report] ti.xcom_push(JstorTelescope.RELEASE_INFO, available_releases) return True
[docs] def upload_downloaded(self, releases: List[JstorRelease], **kwargs) -> None: """Uploads the downloaded files to GCS for each release :param releases: List of JstorRelease instances: """ for release in releases: success = gcs_upload_files( bucket_name=self.cloud_workspace.download_bucket, file_paths=[release.download_country_path, release.download_institution_path], ) set_task_state(success, kwargs["ti"].task_id, release=release)
[docs] def transform(self, releases: List[JstorRelease], **kwargs): """Task to transform the Jstor releases for a given month.""" api = make_jstor_api(self.entity_type, self.entity_id) for release in releases: api.transform_reports( download_country=release.download_country_path, download_institution=release.download_institution_path, transform_country=release.transform_country_path, transform_institution=release.transform_institution_path, partition_date=release.partition_date, )
[docs] def upload_transformed(self, releases: List[JstorRelease], **kwargs) -> None: """Uploads the transformed files to GCS for each release""" for release in releases: success = gcs_upload_files( bucket_name=self.cloud_workspace.transform_bucket, file_paths=[release.transform_country_path, release.transform_institution_path], ) set_task_state(success, kwargs["ti"].task_id, release=release)
[docs] def bq_load(self, releases: List[JstorRelease], **kwargs) -> None: """Loads the sales and traffic data into BigQuery""" for release in releases: for partner, table_description, file_path in [ (self.country_partner, self.bq_country_table_description, release.transform_country_path), (self.institution_partner, self.bq_institution_table_description, release.transform_institution_path), ]: bq_create_dataset( project_id=self.cloud_workspace.project_id, dataset_id=partner.bq_dataset_id, location=self.cloud_workspace.data_location, description=self.bq_dataset_description, ) uri = gcs_blob_uri(self.cloud_workspace.transform_bucket, gcs_blob_name_from_path(file_path)) table_id = bq_table_id(self.cloud_workspace.project_id, partner.bq_dataset_id, partner.bq_table_name) state = bq_load_table( uri=uri, table_id=table_id, schema_file_path=partner.schema_path, source_format=SourceFormat.NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON, partition_type=TimePartitioningType.MONTH, partition=True, partition_field="release_date", write_disposition=WriteDisposition.WRITE_APPEND, table_description=table_description, ignore_unknown_values=True, ) set_task_state(state, kwargs["ti"].task_id, release=release)
[docs] def add_new_dataset_releases(self, releases: List[JstorRelease], **kwargs) -> None: """Adds release information to API.""" api = make_observatory_api(observatory_api_conn_id=self.observatory_api_conn_id) for release in releases: dataset_release = DatasetRelease( dag_id=self.dag_id, dataset_id=self.api_dataset_id, dag_run_id=release.run_id, data_interval_start=release.data_interval_start, data_interval_end=release.data_interval_end, partition_date=release.partition_date, ) api.post_dataset_release(dataset_release)
[docs] def cleanup(self, releases: List[JstorRelease], **kwargs) -> None: """Delete all files, folders and XComs associated with this release. Assign a label to the gmail messages that have been processed.""" api = make_jstor_api(self.entity_type, self.entity_id) for release in releases: cleanup( dag_id=self.dag_id, execution_date=kwargs["execution_date"], workflow_folder=release.workflow_folder ) success = api.add_labels(release.reports) set_task_state(success, kwargs["ti"].task_id, release=release)
[docs]def create_gmail_service() -> Resource: """Build the gmail service. :return: Gmail service instance """ gmail_api_conn = BaseHook.get_connection("gmail_api") scopes = ["", ""] creds = Credentials.from_authorized_user_info(gmail_api_conn.extra_dejson, scopes=scopes) service = build("gmail", "v1", credentials=creds, cache_discovery=False) return service
[docs]def make_jstor_api(entity_type: Literal["publisher", "collection"], entity_id: str): """Create the Jstor API Instance. :param entity_type: The entity type. Should be either 'publisher' or 'collection'. :param entity_id: The entity id. :return: The Jstor API instance """ service = create_gmail_service() if entity_type == "publisher": jstor_api = JstorPublishersAPI(service, entity_id) elif entity_type == "collection": jstor_api = JstorCollectionsAPI(service, entity_id) else: raise AirflowException(f"Entity type must be 'publisher' or 'collection', got {entity_type}.") return jstor_api
[docs]class JstorAPI(ABC): def __init__(self, service: Any, entity_id: str): self.service = service self.entity_id = entity_id
[docs] def get_messages(self, list_params: dict) -> List[dict]: """Get messages from the Gmail API. :param list_params: The parameters that will be passed to the Gmail API. """ first_query = True next_page_token = None messages = [] while next_page_token or first_query: # Set the next page token if it isn't the first query if not first_query: list_params["pageToken"] = next_page_token first_query = False # Get the results results = self.service.users().messages().list(**list_params).execute() next_page_token = results.get("nextPageToken") messages += results["messages"] return messages
[docs] def get_label_id(self, label_name: str) -> str: """Get the id of a label based on the label name. :param label_name: The name of the label :return: The label id """ existing_labels = self.service.users().labels().list(userId="me").execute()["labels"] label_id = [label["id"] for label in existing_labels if label["name"] == label_name] if label_id: label_id = label_id[0] else: # create label label_body = { "name": label_name, "messageListVisibility": "show", "labelListVisibility": "labelShow", "type": "user", } result = self.service.users().labels().create(userId="me", body=label_body).execute() label_id = result["id"] return label_id
[docs] def list_reports(self) -> List[dict]: pass
[docs] def get_release_date(self, report_path: str) -> tuple[pendulum.DateTime, pendulum.DateTime]: pass
[docs] def download_report(self, report: dict, download_path: str) -> None: pass
[docs] def transform_reports( self, download_country: str, download_institution: str, transform_country: str, transform_institution: str, partition_date: pendulum.DateTime, ) -> None: pass
[docs] def add_labels(self, reports: List[dict]) -> bool: pass
[docs]class JstorPublishersAPI(JstorAPI): def __init__(self, service: Any, entity_id: str): super().__init__(service, entity_id)
[docs] def list_reports(self) -> List[dict]: """List the available releases by going through the messages of a gmail account and looking for a specific pattern. If a message has been processed previously it has a specific label, messages with this label will be skipped. The message should include a download url. The head of this download url contains the filename, from which the release date and publisher can be derived. :return: A list if dictionaries representing the messages with reports. Each has keys "type", "url" and "id". """ # List messages with specific query list_params = { "userId": "me", "q": f'-label:{JstorTelescope.PROCESSED_LABEL_NAME} subject:"JSTOR Publisher Report Available"', "labelIds": ["INBOX"], "maxResults": 500, } available_reports = [] for message_info in self.get_messages(list_params): message_id = message_info["id"] message = self.service.users().messages().get(userId="me", id=message_id).execute() # get download url download_url = None message_data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(message["payload"]["body"]["data"]) for link in BeautifulSoup(message_data, "html.parser", parse_only=SoupStrainer("a")): if link.text == "Download Completed Report": download_url = link["href"] break if download_url is None: raise AirflowException( f"Can't find download link for report in e-mail, message snippet: {message.snippet}" ) # Get filename and extension from head filename, extension = self.get_header_info(download_url) # Get publisher report_publisher = filename.split("_")[1] if report_publisher != self.entity_id: f"Skipping report, because the publisher id in the report's file name '{report_publisher}' " f"does not match the current publisher id: {self.entity_id}" ) continue # get report_type report_mapping = {"PUBBCU": "country", "PUBBIU": "institution"} report_type = report_mapping.get(filename.split("_")[2]) if report_type is None:"Skipping unrecognized report type, filename {filename}") # check format original_email = f"{message_id}" if extension == "tsv": # add report info f"Adding report. Report type: {report_type}, url: {download_url}, " f"original email: {original_email}." ) available_reports.append({"type": report_type, "url": download_url, "id": message_id}) else: logging.warning( f'Excluding file "{filename}.{extension}", as it does not have ".tsv" extension. ' f"Original email: {original_email}" ) return available_reports
[docs] def download_report(self, report: dict, download_path: str) -> None: """Download report from url to a file. :param report: The report info. Should contain the "url" key :param download_path: Path to download data to """ url = report.get("url") if not url: raise KeyError(f"'url' not found in report: {report}")"Downloading report: {url} to: {download_path}") headers = {"User-Agent": get_user_agent(package_name="oaebu_workflows")} response = retry_get_url( url, headers=headers, wait=JstorTelescope.WAIT_FN, num_retries=JstorTelescope.MAX_ATTEMPTS ) content = response.content.decode("utf-8") with open(download_path, "w") as f: f.write(content)
@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(JstorTelescope.MAX_ATTEMPTS), reraise=True, wait=JstorTelescope.WAIT_FN)
[docs] def get_header_info(self, url: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get header info from url and parse for filename and extension of file. :param url: Download url :return: Filename and file extension """ f"Getting HEAD of report: {url}, " f'attempt: {self.get_header_info.retry.statistics["attempt_number"]}, ' f'idle for: {self.get_header_info.retry.statistics["idle_for"]}' ) headers = {"User-Agent": get_user_agent(package_name="oaebu_workflows")} response = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True, headers=headers) if response.status_code != 200: raise AirflowException( f"Could not get HEAD of report download url, reason: {response.reason}, " f"status_code: {response.status_code}" ) filename, extension = response.headers["Content-Disposition"].split("=")[1].split(".") return filename, extension
[docs] def get_release_date(self, report_path: str) -> Tuple[pendulum.DateTime, pendulum.DateTime]: """Get the release date from the "Reporting_Period" part of the header. Also checks if the reports contains data from exactly one month. :param report_path: The path to the JSTOR report :return: The start and end of the release month """ # Check if report has header in old or new format based on the first line with open(report_path, "r") as tsv_file: first_line = tsv_file.readline() # Process report with the old header if not "Report_Name" in first_line: return self.get_release_date_deprecated(report_path) # Process report with new header start_date = None end_date = None with open(report_path, "r") as tsv_file: for line in tsv_file: line = line.strip("\n").split("\t") if line[0] == "Reporting_Period": start_date = pendulum.parse(line[1].split(" ")[0]) end_date = pendulum.parse(line[1].split(" ")[-1]) break if not start_date or not end_date: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not parse start and end date from report: {report_path}") # Check that month of start and end date are the same if start_date.end_of("month").start_of("day") != end_date: raise AirflowException( f"Report contains data that is not from exactly 1 month, start date: {start_date}, end date: {end_date}" ) return start_date, end_date
[docs] def get_release_date_deprecated(self, report_path: str) -> Tuple[pendulum.DateTime, pendulum.DateTime]: """This function is deprecated, because the headers for the reports have changed since 2021-10-01. It might still be used for reports that were created before this date and have not been processed yet. Get the release date from the "Usage Month" column in the first row of the report. Also checks if the reports contains data from the same month only. :param report_path: The path to the JSTOR report :return: The start and end dates """ # Load report data into list of dicts with open(report_path) as tsv_file: csv_list = list(csv.DictReader(tsv_file, delimiter="\t")) # get the first and last usage month first_usage_month = csv_list[0]["Usage Month"] last_usage_month = csv_list[-1]["Usage Month"] # check that month in first and last row are the same if first_usage_month != last_usage_month: raise AirflowException( f"Report contains data from more than 1 month, start month: {first_usage_month}, " f"end month: {last_usage_month}" ) # get the release date from the last usage month start_date = pendulum.from_format(first_usage_month, "YYYY-MM").start_of("month").start_of("day") end_date = pendulum.from_format(last_usage_month, "YYYY-MM").end_of("month").start_of("day") return start_date, end_date
[docs] def transform_reports( self, download_country: str, download_institution: str, transform_country: str, transform_institution: str, partition_date: pendulum.DateTime, ) -> None: """Transform a Jstor release into json lines format and gzip the result._summary_ :param download_country: The path to the country download report :param download_institution: The path to the institution download report :param transform_country: The path to write the transformed country file to :param transform_institution: The path to write the transformed institution file to :param partition_date: The partition/release date of this report """ for download_file, transform_file in ( [download_country, transform_country], [download_institution, transform_institution], ): release_column = partition_date.strftime("%b-%Y") # e.g. Jan-2020 usage_month = partition_date.strftime("%Y-%m") # Check if report has header in old or new format based on the first line results = [] with open(download_file, "r") as tsv_file: first_line = tsv_file.readline() if "Report_Name" in first_line: line = None while line != "\n": line = next(tsv_file) report = list(csv.DictReader(tsv_file, delimiter="\t")) for row in report: transformed_row = OrderedDict((convert(k), v) for k, v in row.items()) transformed_row.pop(release_column, None) if "Usage_Month" not in transformed_row: # Newwer reports name it by month name transformed_row["Usage_Month"] = usage_month if "Total_Item_Requests" not in transformed_row: # Institution report names it "Reporting_Period_Total" transformed_row["Total_Item_Requests"] = transformed_row.pop("Reporting_Period_Total") results.append(transformed_row) results = add_partition_date( results, partition_date, TimePartitioningType.MONTH, partition_field="release_date" ) save_jsonl_gz(transform_file, results)
[docs] def add_labels(self, reports: List[dict]) -> bool: """Adds the label name to all messages in the report :param reports: List of report info :return: True if successful, False otherwise """ label_id = self.get_label_id(JstorTelescope.PROCESSED_LABEL_NAME) body = {"addLabelIds": [label_id]} for message in [report["id"] for report in reports]: response = self.service.users().messages().modify(userId="me", id=message, body=body).execute() try: message_id = response["id"] f"Added label '{JstorTelescope.PROCESSED_LABEL_NAME}' to GMAIL message, message_id: {message_id}" ) except KeyError: return False return True
[docs]class JstorCollectionsAPI(JstorAPI): def __init__(self, service: Any, entity_id: str): super().__init__(service, entity_id)
[docs] def list_reports(self) -> List[dict]: """List the available reports by going through the gmail messages from a specific sender. :return: A list if dictionaries representing the messages with reports as attachments. Each has keys "type", "attachment_id" and "id". """ # List messages with specific query list_params = { "userId": "me", "q": f"-label:{JstorTelescope.PROCESSED_LABEL_NAME}", "labelIds": ["INBOX"], "maxResults": 500, } available_reports = [] country_regex = rf"^{self.entity_id}_(Open_Country|Country_Open)_Usage\.csv$" institution_regex = rf"^{self.entity_id}_(Open_Institution|Institution_Open)_Usage\.csv$" for message_info in self.get_messages(list_params): message_id = message_info["id"] message = self.service.users().messages().get(userId="me", id=message_id).execute() # Messages without payloads should be ignored try: attachments = message["payload"]["parts"] except KeyError: continue # Get download filenames for attachment in attachments: if re.match(country_regex, attachment["filename"]): report_type = "country" elif re.match(institution_regex, attachment["filename"]): report_type = "institution" else: continue attachment_id = attachment["body"]["attachmentId"] available_reports.append({"type": report_type, "attachment_id": attachment_id, "id": message_id}) return available_reports
[docs] def download_report(self, report: dict, download_path: str) -> None: """Download report from url to a file. :param report: The report info. Should contain the "id" and "attachement_id" keys :param download_path: Path to download data to """ message_id = report.get("id") attachment_id = report.get("attachment_id") if not all((message_id, attachment_id)): raise KeyError(f"'id' and/or 'attachment_id' not found in report: {report}")"Downloading report: {message_id} to: {download_path}") attachment = ( self.service.users() .messages() .attachments() .get(userId="me", messageId=message_id, id=attachment_id) .execute() ) data = attachment["data"] file_data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data) with open(download_path, "wb") as f: f.write(file_data)
[docs] def get_release_date(self, report_path: str) -> Tuple[pendulum.DateTime, pendulum.DateTime]: """Get the release date from the report. This should be under the "Month, Year of monthdt" column Also checks if the reports contains data from exactly one month. :param report_path: The path to the JSTOR report :return: The start and end of the release month """ with open(report_path) as f: report = list(csv.DictReader(f)) dates = list(set([i["Month, Year of monthdt"] for i in report])) if len(dates) != 1: raise AirflowException(f"Report contains data that is not from exactly 1 month, dates: {dates}") month = pendulum.from_format(dates[0], "MMMM YYYY") # eg. September 2023 start_date = month.start_of("month").start_of("day") end_date = month.end_of("month").start_of("day") return start_date, end_date
[docs] def transform_reports( self, download_country: str, download_institution: str, transform_country: str, transform_institution: str, partition_date: pendulum.DateTime, ) -> None: """Transform a Jstor release into json lines format and gzip the result._summary_ :param download_country: The path to the country download report :param download_institution: The path to the institution download report :param transform_country: The path to write the transformed country file to :param transform_institution: The path to write the transformed institution file to :param partition_date: The partition/release date of this report """ for entity, download_file, transform_file in ( ["Country_Name", download_country, transform_country], ["Institution", download_institution, transform_institution], ): results = [] with open(download_file, "r") as csv_file: report = list(csv.DictReader(csv_file)) for row in report: row.pop("Month, Year of monthdt") row["Publisher"] = row.pop("publisher") row["Book_ID"] = row.pop("item_doi") row["Usage_Month"] = partition_date.strftime("%Y-%m") try: row[entity] = row.pop("\ufeffentity_name") except KeyError: row[entity] = row.pop("entity_name") row["Book_Title"] = row.pop("book_title") row["Authors"] = row.pop("authors") row["ISBN"] = row.pop("eisbn") row["eISBN"] = row["ISBN"] row["Total_Item_Requests"] = row.pop("total_item_requests") transformed_row = OrderedDict((convert(k), v) for k, v in row.items()) results.append(transformed_row) results = add_partition_date( results, partition_date, TimePartitioningType.MONTH, partition_field="release_date" ) save_jsonl_gz(transform_file, results)
[docs] def add_labels(self, reports: List[dict]) -> bool: """Adds the label name to all messages in the report :param reports: List of report info :return: True if successful, False otherwise """ label_id = self.get_label_id(JstorTelescope.PROCESSED_LABEL_NAME) body = {"addLabelIds": [label_id]} message = reports[0]["id"] # Only one message for collections response = self.service.users().messages().modify(userId="me", id=message, body=body).execute() try: message_id = response["id"] f"Added label '{JstorTelescope.PROCESSED_LABEL_NAME}' to GMAIL message, message_id: {message_id}" ) except KeyError: return False return True