The ONIX telescope downloads, transforms and loads publisher ONIX feeds into BigQuery. ONIX is a standard format that book publishers use to share information about the books that they have published.

Book publishers with ONIX feeds are given credentials and access to their own upload folder on the OAeBU SFTP server. They then configure ONIX Suite to upload their ONIX feeds to the SFTP server on a weekly basis. The ONIX feeds need to be full dumps every time, not incremental updates.

The ONIX telescope downloads the ONIX files from the SFTP server. It then transforms the data into a format suitable for loading into BigQuery with the ONIX parser Java command line tool. The data is loaded into BigQuery and then used by the ONIX Workflow.

The corresponding table in BigQuery is onix.onixYYYYMMDD.


Average runtime

10-20 mins

Average download size

10-100 MB

Harvest Type

SFTP server

Harvest Frequency


Runs on remote worker


Catchup missed runs


Credentials Required


Uses Telescope Template


Each shard includes all data



The following settings need to be configured for the ONIX telescope.

Telescope API instance

An ONIX telescope API instance needs to be created, making sure to add the below settings to the extra field.

Telescope API ‘extra’ field

The date_regex field must be added to the telescope extra field, it is used to extract the date from the ONIX feed file name. For example, the regex \\d{8} will extract the date from the file name 20220301_CURTINPRESS_ONIX.xml.

"extra": {
  "date_regex": "\\d{8}"

Airflow connections

In the config.yaml file, the below Airflow connection is required. Note that all values need to be urlencoded.


The ssh username, password and host key to connect to the SFTP server.

sftp_service: ssh://user-name:password@host-name:port?host_key=host-key

Latest schema